Indeed these past few years humanity has been growing and evolving from fear, through fear, by fear, with fear and because of fear – False Evidence Appearing Real.
Now it is time to “flip the switch” and create from Joy, with Joy, by Joy and because of Joy – to be more conscious of why you want to create, why you want to manifest – not for a “better life” so to speak but because you wish and you desire to align with Joy, be in dominion with Joy because it feels good and let this Joy manifest into a loving home, a joyous career, delightful & fun hobbies, loving relationships, loving working relationships and co-creations with others.
So what are the first steps? Remember, stir up the Joy, the excitement from a past event – tap into this, feel the expansion it brought from giving, from being present, from sharing and the feed back of Joy you received in return. Notice the ripple effect of the Joy, the love, the compassion, the understanding rippling out – taking a life of its own – and how this echoed back to you – your energy field expanding with Joy, with responsibility and, and, and it felt gooood – did it not?
Now this trepidation is creeping in – can I sustain this, is this possible to maintain you ask – and, we say absolutely!
As before, keep checking in – who is happy, who is not – your inner child, your adolescent, your young adult – keep the dialogue going, let the communication flow easily, effortlessly – no judges, no critics allowed – only an open heart to hear, to listen, to understand and know the fears that need reassuring and much loving encouragement to keep moving through – yet this time with Joy, by Joy, for Joy and because of Joy.
Light & more light Illuminating the Delight in Light